Order status helps you know what is going on with your business and order fulfillment processes. Once you are in the orders page, You will be able to see the numbers and different status of your orders which will be explained below: 

Pending orders: All orders not shipped or fulfilled. All your orders stay pending including paid orders awaiting payments. Once processed it will move from pending to its respective tab. 

Confirmed orders:  If you opted in for order confirmation, We will call your customer to confirm what they have ordered before shipment. All respectively confirmed orders will stay in this tab. If you opted out of order confirmation, your orders will automatically be tagged as confirmed. 

In Transit: In transit orders refers to orders already Shipped and tracking is available and the order is en route to its designated destination. 

Received orders: This refers to completed or delivered orders. 

Cancelled orders: This refers to cancelled orders either not shipped or RTS orders.